Friday, February 1, 2013


Richmond Fishing Expo 
January 25, 2013 I rose early, battled the icy roads to pick up my dad and head to Richmond to take a trip down memory lane.  Years ago when I was just a boy, my dad used to take me to a little event know as the Bass-o-Rama.  I remember it as a giant event filled with millions of goodies: boats to climb in and on, jerky to eat, fishing tackle to look at, and everything you could want as a young boy and soon to be fishing enthusiast.  I was young and just like any other boy wanted to be out of the house in January.  Now as an adult ventured to a similar event with I think even great excitement.  We set out for Doswell, VA to the Farm Bureau State Fair Grounds.  The just under two hour ride up was filled with old stories, memories, great conversations and plenty of anticipation for what the next 5+ hours would hold.  While the event was not the same as the one I attended in my youth, it was still a good opportunity to see a lot fishing resources under one roof.  I think this is an event that I would like to see expanded in size and vendors, there was a good amount of knowledge to be had.  It took us about 45 minutes to just walk through the local and browse the vendor stations.  Of course I had to see it all first before diving into what had found my eye.  I picked up a few new lures that I am very excited to get out in the water and test.  I will be posting more on them as I use them and see what kind of return they yield.  The insightful part for me was sitting in on a few of the seminars (which I never did as a kid).   We sat through a great hour long discussions of fishing soft plastics.  It was a great setting.  About 8 people including my dad and I sat in close quarters and really had a discussion with the pro, as opposed to a lecture. He had some great tips on selecting the right plastic based on water color, clarity, temperature and time of year.  Over all I had another memorable trip.  It was a great day reversing the roles and taking my dad somewhere he took me as a kid, a huge grateful thank you to the man who has taught me about more than just fishing.  Thanks to the weather in our great city it has been a few weeks since I have been out, and that itch is getting greater with every day that passes.  Spring can’t come soon enough.

Until next time….

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